Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Write from a Baby's Perspective

Write a poem or a story from a baby's perspective.

A Baby’s Perspective

by Shafia Al-Mohannadi

Here they come; the Not-Mamas. They hovered around me while I lay there helplessly as each of their smelly hands pinch my now swollen, red cheeks. Don’t the Not-Mamas know who much it hurts? Wasn’t that considered to be some sort of physical abuse?

A whimper sound escaped my trembles lips when I all could hear was gibberish, strange, alienated echoes.
“Stop!” I yelled, but the Not- Mamas only cooed in response.

Light finally gathered around my when I finally saw her. Mama was my feeding machine, my crib, my former home. Dark stands of brown hair fell into my face, making it difficult for me to see her gleaming, big brown eyes. My hands – which weirdly for some reason appeared smaller than the Not-Mamas who had claws for hands – desperately trying to catch a curl, tempted to play with it, eat it or even just grasp it tightly without letting my toy go.

“Just don’t leave me again, Mama.” I said as bubbles for saliva dripped down my chin. “Don’t leave me with the Not-Mamas anymore.”

Mama only patted my back, rocked me back and forth in a soothing rhythm and before I knew it, I couldn’t see anymore.


There’s the ceiling, again!
Waaaaaaah! >Plonk<
>slurp slurp slurp<
Why do they keep putting me
Back into this little white coffin!
Change me! Can’t you smell that I need a change!
I need something to do!
I don’t want to lay here all day and look at the ceiling!
I need space!
Bring me milk!
I need warmth,
Not this rubber binky pacifier or whatever it is.
My thumb tastes a lot better.
When will this end!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

by Khalid Bakri

Bird I say
Let us dash

Fish swarms swimming
Invite me

Sunlight I scream

I’m working
Let me roll

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hancock's Home Planet

by Khalid Bakri

Although Hancock is now living on Earth protecting people, Earth is not his home planet. He came from a whole different world which was named “Planet Hancock.” On planet Hancock things were really different. The citizens of planet Hancock were stripped of any feelings. They were all about power, because, as we know, they were made in pairs who are attracted to each other, and when they stay together for a long time all of their powers fade away and they become powerless human beings, so what they did was they always go as far as they can from their partners, so they won’t lose their powers which are: super strength, super durability, levitation, and super speed.

Dancing Zombie

My… cool… Jacks… on…

Lea… ther… Jack… son…

My… cool…

We… you…

We… dance… 

We… you… love…

Moon… walk…

My… cool…

You… We…

Jack… son…

You… us… now…

Jack… son…

My… cool…


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Who are You?

We will start with the same activity that we ended with last year. It seems like a nice way to introduce each other.

Who are you? Write about who or what you are?

by Emily Dickinson

I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us — don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

Who Am I?

by Rawa Yousfi
I am an independent woman, a feminist,
I am a pessimistic person, a realist,
I am as sensitive as wings of a butterfly,
I am vulnerable, a little too fragile,
I am naïve, I am too forgiving,
I dream of a better life, a life I’m not living,
I am not perfect, I am incomplete,
I make stupid mistakes I wish I could delete,
I am a teenager, a rebel, a freedom fighter,
I am a mess, a beautiful disaster,

I Am

by Shafia K. Al-Mohannadi

I am the first daughter but the second child out of seven siblings. I laugh at people who fall. Then I feel bad. I cry when I see someone cry. Especially full-grown men. I’ve been blind in one eye since I was eight, sometimes I forget that I am, though. I am a failure at time, a winner rarely—competitively speaking. I am a granddaughter, a great-granddaughter once, a sister, a friend, a best friend, a niece, a booklover, a food junky, and most importantly, a future zombie fighter.

I am the stone people lean on. I laugh when I’m stressful. I can’t keep a straight face when people yell at me. I think of chocolate when my mother gives me one of her usual lectures about how irresponsible I can be sometimes – always in her case. I giggle when my brain is deprived from sleep. I am physically incapable of doing anything at 5 o’clock. If I was stranded in the vast Sahara desert and had to bring only one thing with me, I would bring chocolate chip cookies.

I’m almost five foot six. I currently have five ant bites and some scratches from my cat. Does it make me snobbish if I say I’m modest? I overthink. I don’t share, then I feel bad about not sharing, then I share.

I’m 152 Lbs. or about 62 Kilos.

I’m a 49ers fan.
I’m forty-two years old.
I’m catching forty winks.
I'm 24-7.
I’m a little less than twelve months from my next birthday.
I'm a dime a dozen--a baker's dozen.
I’m at the eleventh hour.
I’m dressed to the nines on cloud nine.
I'm a stitch in time saving nine.
I’m behind the eight ball.
I’m in seventh heaven.
I’m six of one and a half dozen of the other.
I’m 5' 9" or so or around 175 centimeters.
I'm a four-leaf clover.
I’m the oldest of three children.
I'm a third wheel.
I’m one of three people in my family.
I’m the three Rs: Reading, Writing & Robert.
I’m at the end of the third day at the beginning of the tenth month in the year 2012.
I’m at home in apartment 3e.
I'm three wishes.
I’m second fiddle.
I’m a bird in hand worth two in the bush.
I’m of two minds.
I'm one on one.
I’m all for one and one for all, and
I’m the one and only.

I am lost for words
I am thoughts swinging between two languages
Arabic, English
English, Arabic
I live in more than one country 
belong to none
Or should I?
I prefer to think of myself as a person 
with unanswered questions

I'm a mother
I'm a wife
I'm a daughter in law
A sister, daughter, friend, enemy? maybe!
I'm working, but I'm lost
Different roles, different tasks, different titles
different offices, meetings, committees

I'm me, whoever that is..