Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Exquisite Corpse Poem

Last week we wrote an exquisite corpse poem. Each line had to contain one of the following words: crash, flower, canvas, snap, turn or sleep.

Noor Al Thani
Bob Marcacci

silence crashed down around us
the flowers are colorful in the forest
like the colors used in a canvas
in a field of flowers
sometimes we have to turn back to make up things
like restoring an artwork or a blank canvas
whose turn was it? she thought
sleeping eight hours a day is what makes you fresh in the morning


I always draw nature on a canvas
to me it resembles sleep
we turn over in our sheets and dream
students sleep late every day to finish their homework
crashing instantly afterwards
a sleeping cat rushed out from under the table
drawing on canvas is what makes your art beautiful
it resembles flowers full of life and color


their stems snapped and left its part behind
we slept on the fragments
the driver crashed his car while driving
driving over the breathtaking flowers
I thought, "this would make a great snap" and took out my phone
I do not take snaps because I think it is a waste of time
it drives me away from sleep and ruins my eyes
snaps the cord and reminds me who I really am

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Write a Villanelle

As it says in Wikipedia, "[a] villanelle...is a nineteen-line poetic form consisting of five tercets followed by a quatrain. There are two refrains and two repeating rhymes, with the first and third line of the first tercet repeated alternately until the last stanza, which includes both repeated lines." A villanelle should adhere to the following format in which capital letters represent the refrains and lower case letter represent rhymes.







The flowers are different and colourful.

The flowers are different and colourful.
The trees give fruit.
The trees are green.

There are so many things in nature.
The trees are huge.
The flowers are different and colourful.

The leaves of the trees are orange and yellow in autumn.
There are birds on top of the trees.
The trees are green.

The insects are everywhere.
There are so many animals.
The flowers are different and colourful.

The size of the trees are different.
The bears eat honey on the trees.
The trees are green.

There are small rivers.
There is green grass.
The flowers are different and colourful.
The trees are green. 

We walked on the sand and in the little water.

We walked on the sand and in the little water
The ocean left treasures at our feet.
Our footprints followed us up the beach

And we ran faster.
We stopped to look at a shell and a stone.
We walked on the sand and in the little water

We noticed little fishes and crabs
And all the underwater life and color.
Our footprints followed us up the beach

And we followed them back to the tide.
We were lost and we weren't.
We walked on the sand and in the little water

And in what was left of the sun
We thought we could see to the horizon.
Our footprints followed us up the beach.

We reached the top of a dune
And looked back.
We walked on the sand and in the little water
Our footprints followed us up the beach.