Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My Brother

by Ahmad Alony
My brother always ends up changing his mind whenever I am winning in an argument.
My brother and I love to spar in boxing, and he always floors me. My mother never finds out.
My brother is a year older than me, and he is still in high school.
My brother loves the automotive field, and plans on building his muscle car.
My brother and I love to cruise around the city with his Honda MR-V, whilst enjoying our favorite fruit cocktail.
My brother and I always end up playing a Call of Duty session together as soon as we both come home from school.
My brother and I love to play Memory Lane by NAS in the car whenever we are hyper.
My brother and I hate talking about politics because it always ends up turning into a verbal fight.
My brother and I have completely different tastes in clothing, he prefers black-everything, and I prefer Jeans and colorful tops.
My brother always copies me by running to the kitchen to make himself the same exact sandwich that he sees me eating.
My brother has sudden mood swings in the morning because he doesn’t sleep enough the night before.
My brother eats 3 fast food meals per week and never gains weight.
My brother always smells dishes that are new to him.
My brother likes to grow his hair to the point where his ears are not visible.
My brother got arrested once for fleeing the police with his car.
My brother and I shared an epiphany after watching the film Inception together.

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