Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I’m 152 Lbs. or about 62 Kilos.

I’m a 49ers fan.
I’m forty-two years old.
I’m catching forty winks.
I'm 24-7.
I’m a little less than twelve months from my next birthday.
I'm a dime a dozen--a baker's dozen.
I’m at the eleventh hour.
I’m dressed to the nines on cloud nine.
I'm a stitch in time saving nine.
I’m behind the eight ball.
I’m in seventh heaven.
I’m six of one and a half dozen of the other.
I’m 5' 9" or so or around 175 centimeters.
I'm a four-leaf clover.
I’m the oldest of three children.
I'm a third wheel.
I’m one of three people in my family.
I’m the three Rs: Reading, Writing & Robert.
I’m at the end of the third day at the beginning of the tenth month in the year 2012.
I’m at home in apartment 3e.
I'm three wishes.
I’m second fiddle.
I’m a bird in hand worth two in the bush.
I’m of two minds.
I'm one on one.
I’m all for one and one for all, and
I’m the one and only.

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