Tuesday, November 28, 2017


April Rain Song

Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
Let the rain sing you a lullaby.

The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk.
The rain makes running pools in the gutter.
The rain plays a little sleep-song on our roof at night—

And I love the rain.

Vivacious Snow

Let the snow hit you
Let the snow smash your self-complacent bloom with an axe-like blow
Let the snow scream in your face

The snow makes rolling bombs of anger
The snow makes thorny mountains of rage
The snow wails, bawls and howls.

Let the snow play with you. 

Desert Storm

Let the sand blind you
Let the sand drill its tiny nails into the agony of your arrogant skin
Let the sand clog your eager ears

The sand cements the cemetery of scholarly desire
The sand buries the living lakes of learned love
The sand screeches and scratches the windows of your eyes

Let the sand have you.    

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