Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Thank God

For waking up that morning sending snap-chats to every friend on my list, saying it's the first day of the semester, thank you.
For seeing mum cooking eggs for me before leaving the house everyday, thank you.
For my dad roasting me over my outfits on our way to school, I guess, thank you.
For catching Noof the first thing in the morning with her warm hugs, thank you.
For watching Magdalena running almost late to class every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, thank you.
For receiving calls from my little friend bragging about her grades and how grateful she is for having me to motivate her, thank you.
For seeing Bob Marcacci walking, waving his navy blue bag, and roasting everybody on his way, thank you.
For spending this wonderful semester feeling well near my beloved ones, again, thank you. 

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