Saturday, June 23, 2018

When dreams gives you lemons

The moment when i dont know anything but the reality i created with no control is the time i start my dream 
my dream roams through stages never still.
i try to run sinking in the mud of perception.
suddenly im standing in a crowded room full of screaming reaching for a bite of whatever their masters is serving in these deep plates. 
i get noticed by a tough master standing taller and stronger then a metal wall 
she strikes fear.
in a flash of time she is on top of me 
spurting lemon out of her mouth. 
i hold on tight to the pillow and i realize im awake 
im confused at the feelings im abrupt with like a truck hitting a fly passing the street 
i believe in messages from the unknown but what was that ?
i have no clue...
"when life gives you lemons" ? 
i never found out and maybe ill never do

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