Tuesday, October 2, 2018

falling upwards

desire boat
haunted with memory
flesh on flesh
lean in close
carrier ships await at bay
taking passengers
they sail away
sea drowns out the noise
only wind carry salty breeze
falling with ease
a feather afloat
 winter leaves
rowing at the tide
against currents
water with sweat adrift
sirens risen
avert your eyes
hands sway
limp they lay on wooden boards
sweet sea creatures
of flesh no more
and of fight they carry
abandoned ship to sleep on ferry
compass at true north may lie
memory tricksters tick back time
motion sickness weighs in heavy
shallow breaths squeeze on by
venture further
lighthouse close like cold murder
swing on by in the sea with swift
shore cannot swing them adrift
wailing whales while white waters whisper
candle moonlight clear as crystal
chandeliers in the sky
no survivors at the shelter
welting faces
pieces fall further
afterlife wonderland under ocean grounds
buried souls in open blender
 blue with tears
dark like tar
caskets like empty glass jars
sirens pulled us under
wavy stillness with stiff weather
hear no longer 
say no better
feel the agony render it tender
new boats in
waving arms again
sent off sailors on ocean benders 
slow upon sight
sun scorching
moon and light lender 
seize skies while seeking eyes
collapse inside 
fall in love

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