Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Black Holes in Higher Dimensions

The books of the Old Testament were written at different times during
the progress of this Early age of astronomyWe should
stadWeation of purelyooks֍ two or
three those
facts to light֍ and we ought not to be surprised if
today֍ if we  wIt
occur mostly in poetic imagery֍ and that Holy scientificϪ it was m  t intellectual enlightenme                         nt
Italian astronomers֍ Prof  G V
Schiaparelli֍ on this subject of ϡAstronomy in e O֍             ϡ to
that the avowed object of his book      ֍                             ש7۞      1          Ӂ                     

   to                ϡdiscover what ideas thesaggrs֍ and how far o         f timeϡ    

is iticism        ֍             thaϪ

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