Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Time in this world


If a person was time, who would it be?

Prophets and civilizations all played the game of time.

All the time wasted on people with no brains. 

Hours and minutes all progress forward.

Time and time again we cry.

What never ends nor stops, time is all it takes to go back.

Moving forward and going back are a matter of change.

Forward into time, forward into growth.

But times does comeback, maybe in people or in places.

Going back in time is not necessarily staying in the past.

As time never goes back but people learn and change based on that.

Time heals and time brings the past back. 

The future is the past, because as time moves forward all the pain of the past arrives.

Time between the stars is time that never lasts.

Time never stops and can always go back, just by the change of course.

Only the Sun and Moon can explain.

Once the Earth burns and the sky rains stars, will time only stop and stare at Earth in shock.

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