Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I lost my job at a bookstore.

I lost my job at a bookstore.
My boss thought I had taken money from the register.
I lost the address of my Big Blue Marble pen-pal in Malaysia.
I had written to her for many years,
And then not written to her for many years.
I lost many friends in the same way:
Aaron from Ridgewood Court,
Eric from the dorms at San Francisco State,
India from Oregon,
Michelle from Headlines.
I am lucky that I haven’t lost their names yet.
I have lost some of those.

I lost my prescription Ray-Bans with the red frames.
Someone took them out of my 1993 Honda Accord,
Which Angela had forgotten to lock.
I lost the chopsticks she bought me in the year of the sheep.

I told my son I lost the flags he had collected,
But I had thrown them away.

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