Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Writing Activity: Book Title Collage

For this week's activity, we went to the library and composed writing using only the titles of books on the shelves. Try it!

black dragon crusades

shock high pop
in the cartoon history of the United States
ethnobotany in the spiritual tattoo

in New Guinea
bones apples spiders and populations
enhance student noise

hip hop matters
in music society
in business

luminous things
journey to the center of the scandalous
the wicked

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Writing Activity: Compose a Villanelle

Attendance has been small recently, but the few of us who show up still play with language and still wish you were here...

This week's writing activity highlights a form of poetry that we have tried  each of the past few years: the villanelle. Here's a famous example by Elizabeth Bishop:

Read more about Elizabeth
Bishop on Wikipedia.
One Art
The art of losing isn’t hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn’t hard to master.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant 
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.
I lost my mother’s watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn’t hard to master.
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn’t a disaster.
–Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan’t have lied. It’s evident
the art of losing’s not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
Hide and Seek!

واحد، اثنان، ثلاثة، اربعة، خمسة [1]
Eyes closed tight, face against a palm tree
حلال دم الغزال [2]

Footsteps I heard, running away.
Wings flapped above my head.
واحد، اثنان، ثلاثة، اربعة، خمسة

I'll search the farm for siblings and cousins
A giggle here, a whisper there
حلال دم الغزال

Cracking of sticks behind a tanoor[3]
A rustle in the fields
واحد، اثنان، ثلاثة، اربعة، خمسة

Footprints by the river
An impatient head sticking out of hiding
حلال دم الغزال

I'll find them all, as I always do.
Run to catch one, call out "you are it!"
واحد، اثنان، ثلاثة، اربعة، خمسة
حلال دم الغزال

[1] One, two, three, four, five.
[2] Ready or not, here I come.
[3] An oven for making bread made of clay.

We Could Have That Conversation (a villanelle)

We could have that conversation,
Three of us
In the afternoon silence

Waiting for more rain
At the end of the day.
We could have that conversation

Once upon a time,
That shaped our dreams
In the afternoon silence,

With what noise of a clock,
A footstep, a voice that said
We could have that conversation.

With what do we welcome
The eternity in not knowing?
In the afternoon silence

We didn't. We tried to.
We gathered together and laughed.
We could have that conversation
in the afternoon silence.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Writing Activity: I come from...

Last week, writers met and started with the phrase "I come from...." The challenge asks us to consider our influences, which is more than just a place. What made you? We all come from some place, but we come from much more than that, too!

I Come From...

by Haya Al-Mannai

I come from a family of 5 children,
with 3 brothers and a sister.
I may not be the eldest,
but I was the first to graduate high school.
I come from a house on a commercial street
in neighborhood with tall streetlamps and tiny roundabouts.
I come from a city called Doha,
where traffic either drives you crazy or kills you, literally.
I come from a country in the east,
where cultures and traditions matter more than anything.
I come from a planet called Earth,
like 7 billion others.
I come from the solar system.
I’m glad we have a sun;
otherwise, we’d be dead.

I Come from Superstition

How about that?

I come from a black cat
across your path,
a rusty horseshoe
nailed above the door,
salt over your shoulder.

I'm older than you,
Friday the 13th,
your birthday wish.

I come from a broken mirror
and a four-leaf clover,
cross my heart.
I'm over the moon about it.

I walked under a ladder.
What's the matter?

I come from a union of two
who stepped on cracks in sidewalks,
they were dreaming of fish
and someone was pregnant

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Writing Activity: What is Your ABP Recipe?

How do you make a good / bad student? How do you pass a test? How might you impress a teacher or get kicked out class?

Read some of our recipes below!

How to Make a Good Student?

by Shahad Abdulla

- First, add 100 ml of hope and faith
- 1 cup of attention
- 2 teaspoons of notes
- 3 cups of improving
- 2 cups of organization with a sprinkle of time-management
- 14 ounces of mind maps

- Finally, enjoy the results

How to Impress Your Teacher

- none
- cellphone (optional)
- Starbucks beverage (optional)
- tardies to taste

Attend class irregularly. Absences should be unexcused.

When entering the classroom after the lesson has started, move the chair as disruptively as possible while greeting your classmates, even if the teacher happens to be speaking. Shuffle papers and otherwise sit down noisily.

Arrive without brain or other required ingredients.

Stare dumbly at the clock until finished (about 50 minutes).

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Writing Activity: Desks & Tables

After a one-week Eid holiday, The Creative Writing Club reconvened yesterday, and we planned our first activity in conjunction with The Photography Club. While they were going to take pictures of desks and tables around the ABP, we tried to focus our energies on capturing those objects in words.

Circles With Brothers at Their Feet

by Khalid Omar

Circles with brothers at
their feet
(Circles/Others) with crosses as their feet

An eggyolk (tender/mother)
lying in the heat
Wooden arcs that might
not be as neat

White rectangles
that don’t fit
The elite

Ceramic rectangles as
Homes of cooked meat
Photo by Hala Assad


by Aisha Alsai

- a stapler digging into the papers
- a koala relaxing on the top of the cabinet.
- red flowers stabbed in the middle of a giant rose
- papers everywhere killed 
- coffee
- papers
- hearts
- cards
- koala
- a weird red red flowers vase
Photo by Sarah Al-Hail

Brown Wooden Desk

by Sara Al Darwish

Brown wooden desk
With so many colors, green,
Pink, yellow
Notes with many different
Shapes, a black phone, papers and
Books, pink clock also
Another clock that shaped like
A yellow book, cards
Everywhere, an open computer
On the desk
Newspapers and calculators
Photo by Amna Al-Ali

X-Shaped Word

by Aisha Qassim Merekhan

Holding a glass
And simply it
Is a table.

The light
Reflected on the

Dozens of papers
On another disk.

Qatar Foundation's
Telegraph on a
Table that
The edges are
Photo by Reem Al-Emadi

Everything has a Beginning

by Aisha Merekhan

Prepare to go.

People are afraid of all the wrong things.

Run for your life.

Get ready to run.

Everyone deserves justice.

Money changes everything.

Mercy is for weak people.

Family is here to help.

Listen to your heart.

Success beyond the game.

World at your feet.

empty chairs

empty chairs
around an empty rectangle

two small circular
empty chairs

face out the window
toward an empty court
an outlet

an orange pen and a yellow

a green Holsten bottle
vote for the love
of mustaches

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Writing Activity: Climbing Theme

Through the first two weeks, Creative Writing Club members worked on forms of poetry: acrostic and hay(na)ku. This week, club members had to write about an idea or a theme. We brainstormed a few ideas and finally settled on a theme of 'climbing' or 'rising.' Isn't that what we are doing here in the ABP? Trying to raise ourselves up as we climb this education ladder?

Rising Above the Challenge

by Khalid Omar

One would think climbing is
easy, one would be wrong.

One would think trying is
hard, one would need guiding.

One would think One's ego is
growing, one would need confidence.

One finally thinks
climbing is dangerous, One would
seldomly need an ambulance.

One just thought being careful is good!
Two had known the benefit of carelessness.

One always respected two.
Two had much more experience.

Two thought he didn't know what he was equal.
He thought mistakes leave scarring impressions.

Two thinks he is right, but he
needs much more guidance.

They realized later that equality in this
world doesn't give anyone justice.

It only provides more challenges.

Climbing the Mountain

by Aisha Qassim Merekhan

Climbing the mountain isn't harder than being a student who wants to achieve something. Both situations need effort, especially being a student who desires success! Because I won't climb a mountain.

Reaching the Top

by Maytha Al-Malki

What is the top? What makes the top the top? Each person has their own definition of interpretation of their final destination. The places one day they'll end up in. A different place to where they are now, or maybe similar with a few things taken and a few added. Where do I want to be now? Where do I want to end up some time or at some point? I don't know. I know I would want to move up, towards a place or stage that is closer to what would make me happy. What is it that makes me happy, you'd ask. What I like doing now may change in a few years, but I do know that doing what I love as a job will be the half point of my journey. Somewhere, in a busy city, with my pen and paper, writing for a job that anxiously waits for my work. Maybe with a typewriter as well, the fantasy of following in the footsteps of a famous writer never dies.


I remember
Her little hands 
Clutching the edge
Of her playpen;
Her toes as she tried 
To climb 
The mesh 
That surrounded her.
I watched from far,
Caught her before 
She fell over the edge.

I'm watching,
I watch myself from far.
Caught in the dark mesh of grief
That surrounds me
My hands holding on,
As I try to climb out.

I hope I can catch me,
If I fall.

Climbing / Rising

by Aisha Alkhater

Rising to success is like climbing a mountain. As the quote says, "no pain, no gain." To shine in your field, you must work hard and practice. And if you reach the peak, never stop and keep climbing. You never know what could happen next.

Climbing / Rising

by Sara Al-Darwish

Climbing in life is like struggling for something that you want so badly, but you have to face problems and difficulties to reach your goal, as if someone wanted to climb a mountain. Mountains are full of rocks and not easy to climb. What you need to climb a mountain is tools, and that's what you'll need in life. "Tools" like a creative mind, a goal and trying hard to be a successful human in life. When a mountain climber reaches the top, that is what reaching a goal means, and every person who tries to climb and reaches the top will feel what a mountain climber felt.

Climbing Rising

by Shaikha Al-Wadaani

I believe in psychology which brings me to how or when would people including myself tell that they are climbing a struggle or tough period of their lifetime. Since I was five years old, I knew that there is something that is waiting for me in the next few years, but I never thought that what is waiting for me could be bad. With the passage of time, my social life was fluctuating, and whenever i think that I made a good friend that will pull me from whatever I'm in, it turns out to be wrong. My family wasn't so sure what was happening to me, but they helped me feel that I'm loved. Until that day came in 2006 when I decided that I either make it or break through my life, and I went with the first option. I asked to move school and start a new life with a stronger personality. Seven years later, at the age of 16, I became the youngest CEO, and my life is nothing but success. That is what real climbing means to me. I didn't have a role model or a guide, but I figured it myself and thank God I started to climb and I'm still climbing.

sun in morning

the moon     mercury     hackles
an elevator
the second hand after passing six
after the alarm goes off
that feeling in my throat
fear and failure
ghosts and souls
a flight of stairs
a sleeping dog
someone knocked down
your voice at the end of a question
an engine revving

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Writing Activity: Hay(na)ku

At this week's meeting, I taught club members how to write hay(na)ku poetry. I suppose it is a variation on haiku, if you know what that is. Hay(na)ku focuses on word count rather than syllables. Follow the links if you want to read more about those forms.

Basically, to write a hay(na)ku poem, you arrange six words in a tercet (a three-line stanza) by composing groups of one, two or three-word lines. We added a restriction to our process to use a word in each stanza from a list that we brainstormed (car, rock, TV, wall, paper, desk, petal) before getting started.

If that sounds confusing, maybe reading a few of our results will help you see what I am describing.

TV's Addicting

by Saif Al-Selaiti

TV's addicting
though it sucks

essay due
head to desk

petals fall
she love me?

bought a car
cruising by

hit a wall
car's broke

car's fixed
installed a TV

I bought
a pet rock

on the rocks

The Red Car

by Aysha Alsaei

The red car
was my

I cleaned
the messy desk

A fallen rock
my head

a rock cracked
the TV

were my realm
my inner petals

And I was
within the petals

I Wish I

By AlAnoud AlMusleh

I wish I
had a

I wouldn't let
children throw

I wouldn't need
a desk

my room.
Papers will stay

the car
I will put

Small TV in
my car.

would park it
beside the

I Wanted

by Noora AlAdba

I wanted
to watch the

a rock broke
it because

The rock flew
out of

Brother's hand,
into the wall

Through the TV
on the


by Mariam Hussain

at the wall
feeling empty.


papers all over
the place


a rock
in it way,


my vision
can't watch TV.

what wall

what wall
between us will

the TV
nor the computer

this petal
search for meaning

no rock fell
saved one

who saved
we call you

or sister
or mother wall

all of us
one petal

after one petal
on one

after another
in the car

Petal Is

by Aisha Qassim Merckham

petal is
a part of

the wall coloured
with it

TV shows several

a toy car
was on

papers all over

Being In TV

by Sara AlDarwish

being in TV                          the wall is
is wonderful                         black and
thing                                     yellow

                                             there are
                                             papers on my
i had a
   golden                               i smelled
rock once                             like
                                             red petals

i ate sandwich
in my


the blue car
stood outside
  a house
on a black
  and rough
she was sleeping

The TV

by Shahad Abdulla Najar

The TV
showed my favourite
      movie                                       Your heart
                                                        is like a
My wall                                              rock
is filled with
sticky notes                                    My morning
                                                       wouldn't be the
My grandmother                            same without
smells like rose                              seeing my mom
                                                       My desk
I got paper                                      is my
notes all over                                 getaway from
  my desk                                            reality.


by Khalid Omar

Infront of us
Other places

Rock blown away
By wind
                                                           Humans weird
Unbelievable                                      Cars and drivers
Potential of humans                           Depending
Unlocked by desks

No privacy
Firewalls Hypocrisy

Treasure and Legacy
Kind papers

Great smell
Pharmaceutical bitterness exists

That Blue Wall

by Amna Al-Ansari

That blue wall
looks like

I stick
That large TV

Small desk
Is too messy

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Writing Activity: Acrostic

For our first meeting, we introduced ourselves, and then everyone tried to write an acrostic. According to Wikipedia, an acrostic is a "poem or other form of writing in which the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph of other recurring feature in the text spells out a word or message." Take a look at some of our responses.


by Saoud Alansari

Awkward way to sleep


by Maytha Al-Malki

                                           As I would say, We were kids who loved nothing
                                       more than playing. I was the one who would play after hours.
I would sleep thinking about playing in the Sand. With all the people I spend my
                                                     days with Hand in hand.

Khalid Omar

by Khalid Mohammed Omar




by Saif Al-Solaiti



by Ghalya Al-Mesallam

Escaping is needed
Lazy 24/7

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Elixir of Life

Take a look at the literary magazine, Elixir, published by the ABP Creative Writing Club at the end of the 2013 - 2014 school year. It captures the experiences of the students over the past year. If you want to see a copy, stop by either Ms. Asmaa's or Mr. Bob's offices.

Last year's members decided to change the name of the magazine, and they settled on the Arabic-origin word elixir, which appears in both English and Arabic on the front cover. This was a more informed decision, and we will stick with it for future editions. Do you want to be a part of it?

Ms. Asmaa and I will be starting the 2014 - 2015 club soon, and we can't wait to start writing with you. Check us out in the English Room every Tuesday after school!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Write a Villanelle

The Rustic Concert
Form: this week, each Creative Writing Club member tried to write a villanelle, a kind of pastoral poem that has its origins in French or Italian. Aside from attempting to use the form, we added the theme of love to guide our choice of language.

Merriam-Webster defines a villanelle "as a chiefly French verse form running on two rhymes and consisting typically of five tercets and a quatrain in which the first and third lines of the opening tercet recur alternately at the end of the other tercets and together as the last two lines of the quatrain." It probably sounds more difficult than it is. While the description above may not make much sense to you, if you would like to learn more, read about what makes a villanelle special by reading ours...

Love in War

by Fatema Abdul Salik

Love hidden in darkness,
Quiet mood, slowly moving shadows.
Burning passion put on a low burn.

The soft meeting of hands:
A mother's love, a child's prayer--
Love hidden in darkness.

War over the lands,
Messages cut short by the black bans.
Burning passion put on a low burn.

The cursed wind that uncovered treasure below the sands:
County, family, son lost to the black  grim
Love hidden in darkness.

Money passing through common hands,
Longing for days passed in the ruins of my home.
Burning passion put on a low burn.

Peace and love to the lands...
A day with tranquility that is eternal...
Love hidden in darkness,
Burning passion put on a low burn.

Love is Ancient and Forever

by Nadia ElMeragawi

Love is ancient and forever
It burns in the centre of time
Love is in every scene of my life.

Love is present through suffering and anguish
makes us believe
Love is ancient and forever

Love runs its fingers through my hair
Love is held close to me
Love is in every scene of my life

Walking alongside me
loving is easy
Love is ancient and forever

being loved is hard
accepting love is difficult
Love is in every scene of my life

Love forgives everything
everything to an extent
Love is ancient and forever
Love is in every scene of my life

Life is Creative

by Tala B. Anatawi

When the repeated rhythm breaks,
When the usual routine changes,
Love life and it will be creative

The sudden unexpected Idea
The sudden good luck earth sends
Love creates those moments

When you receive a gift
From someone you thought of
Love life and it will be creative

When you discover you worried for nothing
When you can fix your past mistakes
Love creates those moments

When you pray for a miracle
And God responds
Love life and it will be creative

Luckiness, spontaneity
And fortuitousness
Love creates those moments
Love life and it will be creative

Who isn't more in love today?

Who isn’t more in love today?
Who isn’t more blue?
Who isn’t more wonderful?

Who isn’t more lost?
Who isn’t more true?
Who isn’t more in love today?

Who isn’t more star-crossed?
Who isn’t more new?
Who isn’t more wonderful?

Who isn’t more tossed
In the sea? Who isn’t more through?
Who isn’t more in love today?

Who isn’t more frost
And frozen? Who isn’t more “ooh?”
Who isn’t more wonderful

In the morning? Who isn’t more bossed
By the boring? Who isn’t more, too?
Who isn’t more in love today?
Who isn’t more wonderful?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Theme: As it was the beginning of the new year and our first meeting in 2014, I thought we could write about starting at the start. The students clearly had another idea as we came up with two themes to guide our process this week.

Write about an obsession or about new beginnings.

One cancels the two.

by Noor Odeh

One cancels the two. They
burst in front of eyes behind my
phone's screen. It's a maze
for little cherries
stuck surrounded by different shapes + colors.
Calling me from the
app on my phone, telling me to
click and start playing. I am obsessed.
I am obsessed with Candy Crush.

This beginning.

by Nadia ElMeragawi

Marks the end of time.
The disappearance + space.
Moments by moments vanishing
until there is nothing
just me!
Starting a new
defying all of the intricate rules of the world.
I, creating new laws of the universe.
Watch old creations burn
See eternity slipping out of existence.
Observe the laws of physics being defied by the mind of a mad man.

Round & round in semi-circles

by Tala B. Anatawi

The thoughts swirl & twirl
Obsessed with any vision the
eyes see. Or any of the senses I
sense. It's my brain
It. It shouts it's a
new beginning! My neurons
are positive. I respond: Oh thanks.
But I forgot. I forgot that
I'm bipolar.
I am indeed.
I'm obsessed with being so positive then
breaking down is wicked
Life when you can predict
your ominous downfall.
It's like walking on a thin line
that would either make you fall to
Utopia or endless affliction.
But when you fall into Utopia
the next day comes the endless affliction. Oh, I mean the
next cycle. The brainy cycle. The neurotic
cycle.One day I'm a pianist
the other, I'm intolerant of music.
But wait, that's just happening in
my head.
Nobody saw anything.
I can change it covertly.
And fake my love to my piano again.
I already have the skill.


by Alia Ali Al-Semeiti

- first word "mam"
- first day at each level of school
- begin to read and write
- begin to learn more
- the first abaya
- first day at ABP
- the first published article
- every day is the first chapter of your life

I want that thing!

by Nayrouz A. ElAzzabi

I have never had it before!
How is it? What is it?
Is it good? Is it bad?
Dunno. Wanna try!
Ain't that obsessive!
No, it's not.
Why isn't it!
It happens every day, here and there,
now and then,
with me, with her.
With me, with him.
Don't we all have that strong desire for something
for someone.
We all have that strong desire for it.
I wanna try it. I'm gonna make it.
Let us start.
Here we go. Here we are.