Tuesday, March 12, 2013

There is no other option other but to surrender

by Abdelrahman Kamel
No one can remember
The day on December when everything meant nothing and nothing meant everything.
When I opened the door of a man-made machinery and there it was.
A piece of my heart was laying there with colorful anxiety and cheerfulness.
I tried to resist but the smell of happiness overcame me
As waves of joy and

There is no other option but to surrender
As far as I remember
What matters is not our color wealth or gender
We stand strong in times of darkness
But keep in our mind and wonder
As times go by our rose is deserved
By days in which we feel unachieved
Ignorance and tolerance should not put a frown on our lives and faces
Sometimes surrendering is the most effective weapon used to attack our enemy but then be deceived. At the end what matters most is not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends  

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