Tuesday, November 19, 2013


by Nadia ElMeragawi

The vows they had made
To honour and love
In the eyes of God above
Had been broken
Simply tossed away
Left to fade
Day after day
Leaving nothing but despair
Leaving unlived moments
Days that could have been
But never were
Made up of words
Words of kindness
That our poor hears crave
Never spoken
Left to fade
Ended love, ended respect

Looking back
Things could have been done differently
Moments lived, moments loved
Words spoken
Nothing left inside
Our hearts opened up wide
With no need to hide
The feelings within
Out in the world
Expressed, lived, remembered.

I miss the moments
The possibilities
Days I could live
Days I could have lived
Feelings I once had
Vows that once were made.

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