Saturday, December 14, 2013


by Ameena Bakaev

Awakening with a deep breath from heart
And with that cry of life that’s heard first
A beauty beyond comparison
That brings joy and warmth
Such a beautiful cry that breaks the hardest metal
That’s the one, That’s the newborn
The beautiful creation of god
That’s the smile
That’s the hope
That’s the new joyful greeting
And here is the grateful acceptance
Here is the great care of love
The mother, The father, The relatives
Greeting that beautiful angel
To a world that’s the opponent
And life that’s waiting to live,
Meeting others, meeting the creator
Choosing the right path, fighting for the right path
Finding love and following footsteps
Patience and payback for love and care
And finally with the same smile
Preparing for the next journey in the after life
While here is the pain of separation
That’s it, Life, an endless journey

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