Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Phone                Paper                Color   
Laptop               Pencil               Canvas
    Bag                   Watch               Necklace

A phone to communicate with friends and family
Which brings happiness to my heart
Brings happiness to their hearts

A laptop to not miss my assignments 
Because it's hard to make the people who care about you mad at you  
They are my teachers

A bag to put any object inside of it 
Wait can't put your stuff anywhere? Yes, but since I had a fight with my sister (verbal) 
It is Important

A paper and a pencil to write what I feel about the world around me 
About people that I care for 
About life in general

A watch is needed since time is gold for me 
Since it is a gift from my brother 
It is especial 

A canvas with colorful colors 
To draw what I feel 
What makes me happy

A necklace is a necklace 
It's a gift from my mother 
A memory from her, what's better than a memory  


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