Wednesday, September 13, 2017

An Assortment of Discontinuous Dreams

Credit: authenticafricanbronzesandceramics

An Assortment of Discontinuous Dreams

     I dreamed Warhead Detonator.

I dreamed the metal artworks of Benin and Ife,

                                I dreamed Urotoxic,

I dreamed moderate delegates fought, 

I dreamed, we don't know what happened...

I dreamed out in the Darkness.

I dreamed upon liability without fault.

I dreamed, with a tempo like a religious prayer.

I dreamed vocal jazz, with costumes and choreography.

I dreamed, "GET ME OUTSIDE!"

I dreamed anything can be collected into a set.

I dreamed...Multiple suicide stab wounds...

I dreamed. Indeed it was unclear...

I dreamed as the blood beat the skin...

I dreamed...Now lets try again...
I dreamed... she blushed again...

-Aly Zein Mohamed

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