Tuesday, October 10, 2017


The first bloom was the best blossom…
Louis MacNeice, “Apple Blossom”

The first door is the last door
When it shuts – you will never again

But, then, one day
Another door opens
Letting in a trembling ray of light
Or suddenly,
It flies wide open 
Blinding you with an epiphany of a new day
Either way
You rejoice and dance out of the room.

One night, the wind slams it shut again
In your face
Behind somebody’s back
As they walk out and board a plane.

You sit motionless
The key in the lock
On the inside
Not opening it again, ever
There is the oven door to consider – as a metaphor, of course
Remembering a poet who took the metaphor literally
There is the lid of a wooden box
Falling down with a bang
Life sealed.

But if you just wait long enough
The last door will be the first door
And you will, one day, one night
Open it for the last time
To take your first step out.

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