Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Essence of Life

Credit: UDN

The Essence of Life

So press your lips to mine,
Without me you cannot survive.
I have what you need.

My loves,
together we thrive.
So press your lips to mine.

When we are together we soar like doves.
Embrace me once, twice, three four or five.
I have what you need.

We were meant for eachother, like hands to a glove.
I give you that what you need, that drive.
So press your lips to mine.

I am born from above,
and a necessity in your lives
I have what you need.

All your idols, by me they were drove,
and life itself, by me it is contrived.
So press your lips to mine,
I have what you need.
- Dorian. C. Major

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