Wednesday, April 25, 2018

what is this mess

what is this mess     this muss
this us
what happened to the year
once full of fear and fuss

we cussed in the autumn
and the heat of the world
beat us to a steel
we felt more deeply

it started so cheaply
this trust in words and each other
your brother sister friend
another family     the other

what is this much of a good thing
what is this ring to it     sing or don't
bring some thing to our throng
you can't be wrong in your song

all short and long and in the middle
you want to say more
a word or a line or a wish     you made it star
in a minute     in a moment

your went far into the darkness
what did you find or fight in that spar
in your mind
what was right or wasn't

what doesn't go
what do you know
now     throw yourself into it
take it with you

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