exercising haunted corners with burning sage
hear the screams leave behind an echo
corners of a haunted heart barely beating
sometimes the burning kills the beats
silently burns out like the sage
the consumed being leaves with no echo
like an empty stage you swallow these echos
singing the ghostly fragile heartbeats
harmonizing with the rising of the smoking sage
fill the demons with rage as the burning sage echos through the chambers of your beating hearts
Meet in the Library every Tuesday after school from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. All are welcome!
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
ACTIVITY: Write a Tritina
A tritina is a derivative form of a sestina. The tritina is a ten-line form that consists of three tercets and a concluding line. Like in a sestina, the last word of each line repeats, but in a different order. The final line includes all three of the words. For example:
123 or 321 or any combination thereof.
The numbers represent the words that should be repeated at the end of each line. The final line should include all three words in any order. Our variations may be slightly different, but this is the basic idea.
We tried to write tritinas using a uniform list of words: beat, sage and echo. What can you come up with? If you really want to challenge yourself, try a sestina!
This is a repost of a previous activity. Go here or here and read some other examples...
123 or 321 or any combination thereof.
The numbers represent the words that should be repeated at the end of each line. The final line should include all three words in any order. Our variations may be slightly different, but this is the basic idea.
We tried to write tritinas using a uniform list of words: beat, sage and echo. What can you come up with? If you really want to challenge yourself, try a sestina!
This is a repost of a previous activity. Go here or here and read some other examples...
fall into the gallows at the end of the beatings
turning yer mind into the sword of the sages
adding calamity to them deadly echos
as they send every fiber of truth to the echoing
creating stoppage of ones own heart-beat
listen to the words of that treacherous sage
for ages smell like the sage
and voices make life echo
yet sorrow makes love beat
listen to the beatings of the aromatic sage's heart and hear those final echoes
turning yer mind into the sword of the sages
adding calamity to them deadly echos
as they send every fiber of truth to the echoing
creating stoppage of ones own heart-beat
listen to the words of that treacherous sage
for ages smell like the sage
and voices make life echo
yet sorrow makes love beat
listen to the beatings of the aromatic sage's heart and hear those final echoes
What makes my heart beat
What makes my heart beat
In such an unusual manner? Sage
Words by friend or foe only echo
Through the empty room. What then? When the echo
Fades, I am alone. I tear my hair, swear, beat
Down the bent nail of my emotion. From where do such sage
Ideas hail? I look for a remedy, burn sage
To cleanse my aura, shout again to hear the echo
As it returns to me, look for someone weaker to beat
Into an echo of my heart, red with your sage and lasting beat.
In such an unusual manner? Sage
Words by friend or foe only echo
Through the empty room. What then? When the echo
Fades, I am alone. I tear my hair, swear, beat
Down the bent nail of my emotion. From where do such sage
Ideas hail? I look for a remedy, burn sage
To cleanse my aura, shout again to hear the echo
As it returns to me, look for someone weaker to beat
Into an echo of my heart, red with your sage and lasting beat.
Uh oh.
Vacant minds and hearts
that don’t beat
No sounds bouncing off
the walls with viridescent sage
Only the sound of
silence and its jealousy that echoes.
I reminisce my screams
that used to echo
Back in time, when I was
always beaten
For singing out loud
while burning sages
The smell lingers, of
But not of my euphonious squeals
that used to echo
Whenever I was online
against the same losers that I always beat.
No echo, because with
my rage, came the burning of sage after I have finally beaten them to death.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
ACTIVITY: Write about Smoke
In today's meeting, we chose a theme to write about: smoke. Read what we wrote...
How to quit smoking
another drag
nothing lasts
winter grows
fill my lungs with foggy cold
breathe in
breathe out
they say...
it's all willpower
what a cliché
when will I want to stray from things that make me decay
who knows
maybe a new thought sprouting
choosing wisely
not pouting
choose it every day
pray it away
think it through
everyone dies
except you and I
light the tar and burn it deep
sunken in your lungs like tall mountains fall steep
falling in like the heavy grey clouds
polluted your chest
with a smile so proud
think you're cool?
what a fool
oxygen barely squeezing through
mountains once brazen
now they're shriveled up raisins
who are you lying to
just let the day pass
it's just another glass
of water
just one more day hotter
soldier through
let it consume you
breathe in
breathe out
they say...
to be continued maybe one day
nothing lasts
winter grows
fill my lungs with foggy cold
breathe in
breathe out
they say...
it's all willpower
what a cliché
when will I want to stray from things that make me decay
who knows
maybe a new thought sprouting
choosing wisely
not pouting
choose it every day
pray it away
think it through
everyone dies
except you and I
light the tar and burn it deep
sunken in your lungs like tall mountains fall steep
falling in like the heavy grey clouds
polluted your chest
with a smile so proud
think you're cool?
what a fool
oxygen barely squeezing through
mountains once brazen
now they're shriveled up raisins
who are you lying to
just let the day pass
it's just another glass
of water
just one more day hotter
soldier through
let it consume you
breathe in
breathe out
they say...
to be continued maybe one day
A clear sky consumed by a heavy weight of grey clouds escaping a deathly weapon. It eats up anyone that consume it. Digs into every cell and calls it its territory, not allowing any soldiers to break the barrier and save their Queen into freedom. Like a dragon finding wealth in a heavenly kingdom and claims it to be hers. It rules the vine shaped castle by breathing fire into it, and design the new throne for the King to gain reign.
An apathetic smoker...
I am perforated by the night that keeps me awake.
Through the balcony the moonlight pierces
and the ivory curtains oscillate
along with the wind that the atmosphere releases.
Behind insipid walls that’re opaque
creeps in the lethargic smell of cigarette smoke.
It might be my father,
exhaling his headache
and the burdens of the world.
So I have this question that I can’t seem to shake:
Is he staring at the void, hearing unheard words?
or at the mirror that stares back
thinking of June and July and the days that his cigarettes continuously
Inhale the smoke
And exhale at ease
Bare my soul and watch
me bleed
That’s what you say!
Your wounded lungs
and funny coughs
Remains of ashes
representing your weakness
Smoking smoke
Your lungs are broke
it was all
smoke & mirrors
some woke tears & weird
flex some bad X
or Y-axis plotting on a grid of lies
evil eyes highs & lows in the grind
i'm in a bind i find you
too shook look
it's a shame when you see yourself
back at you black & blue
not true or tame & not lame either
unrecognizable hexed & hated
next to nothing
Daft Fool Decide
Smoke flares up into the sky
Deluging the path into scrutiny
Turning sight into black
Alas, there is no way to know
Where one’s feelings drift
Aside from the fog of smoke
Tell ya what
To hell with this disgrace
I shall embrace this despair
I shall flourish through the agony
I shall seek my solace
Through this smoke efflux
Yer friends are scum’n yer daft
Stop looking in the smoke maze
Wake up from your day to day haze
Can ye not see nor feel the evil within
Their hearts and their eyes?
Why ye daft fool, this smoke is a lie
I haft no time for small talk
I haft no time to waste at all
You’ll sink us all – curses – decide!
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
ACTIVITY: Found Writing Using Word Strips
Tami asked how long it took to cut all the paper because, like the computer in "EPICAC" by Kurt Vonnegut, I had brought enough word strips "for the next 500 years." I explained that it was something that a few other teachers and former students worked on many years ago when we had had some free time.
Take a look at our of the results below...
Make the opening of your speech lively--
She interviewed the scientists and included them in her film.
he saw fascinating renewable energy installations, but also oil spills,
Yet for some reason, the people who have earned our patience
can't be flown out until
the center of the Milky Way.
Watching an entire island melt in a way that is unprecedented makes you
need it.
Can I see you again?
Astronomers have a long wait--
What's wrong with me?
We have no real social contract with them.
That constitutes a higher form
It's settling out in the ocean
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Thirteen Ways of Growing
the confrontation of confusion
slipping into the looming idea
the scary parts
head on with veiled fright
wielding the swords of self
up for the battle
heaven or hell
why avoid thinking too deeply
feeling deeply
not much to crack the human inside
dead eyes alike
with glimmers breaking light
dim the spark further
until the heat shatters open a new flame
much to attain
wisely picking at the healing scabs
nerves raw
water to the fuse of thought
slipping into the endearing fog
rising to the occasion
hands up for humiliation
accepting the defeat at the feet of loud words
adopting the wave of retaliation
the rhyme of song
inside heads
music of screaming voices into small boxes
begging to alert attention
inherited acceptance
what's to come
what had passed
and what is
beautiful like sickness
festering through
adapting to the form of a recluse
the understatement
realization of the cords
the strings and the keyboard
melodies forming the frequency of bullshit
found its way to be heard now
unavoidable thought patterns
paradoxical learning and unlearning
years of stones again turning
no longer avoiding the confusion
dissociating the delusion
parts of bodies breaking through thin glass
left with a few functioning illusions
molecular errors
one compound of two parts
creating clouds raining down
sprouting fully realized hearts
the confrontation of confusion
slipping into the looming idea
the scary parts
head on with veiled fright
wielding the swords of self
up for the battle
heaven or hell
why avoid thinking too deeply
feeling deeply
not much to crack the human inside
dead eyes alike
with glimmers breaking light
dim the spark further
until the heat shatters open a new flame
much to attain
wisely picking at the healing scabs
nerves raw
water to the fuse of thought
slipping into the endearing fog
rising to the occasion
hands up for humiliation
accepting the defeat at the feet of loud words
adopting the wave of retaliation
the rhyme of song
inside heads
music of screaming voices into small boxes
begging to alert attention
inherited acceptance
what's to come
what had passed
and what is
beautiful like sickness
festering through
adapting to the form of a recluse
the understatement
realization of the cords
the strings and the keyboard
melodies forming the frequency of bullshit
found its way to be heard now
unavoidable thought patterns
paradoxical learning and unlearning
years of stones again turning
no longer avoiding the confusion
dissociating the delusion
parts of bodies breaking through thin glass
left with a few functioning illusions
molecular errors
one compound of two parts
creating clouds raining down
sprouting fully realized hearts
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
ACTIVITY: Imitation
You can see some of our results below. In fact, if you like what you read, please, leave a comment!
Thirteen Ways of Interpreting a Dream
Among all the innumerable nights
Counting sheep or breathing,
I eventually dreamed or didn't.
You had another idea
Like an insomniac
Who paces around the house as if in a dream.
The dream was a nightmare.
It made me feel more alive.
A sleepless night and a turn
Are several.
A sleepless night and a turn and a dream
Are several.
I know I prefer
A victorious leap through the fiery ring
Or the magic of a circus,
The dream lingering
While I shower.
My wife turned in the sheets
Pulling them away from me.
The dream was interrupted,
Returned to, lost.
I didn't know
If I would be able
To return to sleep.
O wandering women of Lethe,
Why do you imagine fairy tales?
Here, in the darkness, the dream
Keeps to itself,
Haunts the men on the shores.
I know demonic whispers
And iron tortures of the heart,
But I am lost, too,
When the dream consumes
What I know.
When the dream came upon me
I was unprepared
Outside a square.
When dreams storm
In a somnambulant cloud,
Heavenly heavings of metaphor
regale the uninitiated.
She roamed from Purgatory
In a purge.
Often, abstraction engorged her
In that she mistook
What really happened
As dreams.
Lights dim within the compound.
Dreams are hammering in.
It was all times of the day
And seasons
And it was a murderous one.
The dream escaped
Through the veil.
Among all the innumerable nights
Counting sheep or breathing,
I eventually dreamed or didn't.
You had another idea
Like an insomniac
Who paces around the house as if in a dream.
The dream was a nightmare.
It made me feel more alive.
A sleepless night and a turn
Are several.
A sleepless night and a turn and a dream
Are several.
I know I prefer
A victorious leap through the fiery ring
Or the magic of a circus,
The dream lingering
While I shower.
My wife turned in the sheets
Pulling them away from me.
The dream was interrupted,
Returned to, lost.
I didn't know
If I would be able
To return to sleep.
O wandering women of Lethe,
Why do you imagine fairy tales?
Here, in the darkness, the dream
Keeps to itself,
Haunts the men on the shores.
I know demonic whispers
And iron tortures of the heart,
But I am lost, too,
When the dream consumes
What I know.
When the dream came upon me
I was unprepared
Outside a square.
When dreams storm
In a somnambulant cloud,
Heavenly heavings of metaphor
regale the uninitiated.
She roamed from Purgatory
In a purge.
Often, abstraction engorged her
In that she mistook
What really happened
As dreams.
Lights dim within the compound.
Dreams are hammering in.
It was all times of the day
And seasons
And it was a murderous one.
The dream escaped
Through the veil.
[ Six Ways of Looking at Ink ]
On an ingenious brain,
there exists a flowing crimson ink
and a cranium above.
The sun hides below the horizon,
as the ink of the night
devours the sky.
Transparent ink gushed out of dense clouds.
I thought this time the world was going to drown, but alas, I was disappointed.
One drop, ten drops,
this damned pen cascades sombre ink.
I think it's too late to wish
it wasn't on my tongue.
In a mad professor's realm
there's the ethereality of chaos
and inklings of sagacity
made by scribbles of ink.
Above vivid memories
she pours golden ink
Perhaps with the spill of liquid lies
her lunacy can escape and hide.
Who would've thought that
with laptop screens and superficial smiles
there comes temporary tranquility and serenity of the mind?
On an ingenious brain,
there exists a flowing crimson ink
and a cranium above.
The sun hides below the horizon,
as the ink of the night
devours the sky.
Transparent ink gushed out of dense clouds.
I thought this time the world was going to drown, but alas, I was disappointed.
One drop, ten drops,
this damned pen cascades sombre ink.
I think it's too late to wish
it wasn't on my tongue.
In a mad professor's realm
there's the ethereality of chaos
and inklings of sagacity
made by scribbles of ink.
Above vivid memories
she pours golden ink
Perhaps with the spill of liquid lies
her lunacy can escape and hide.
Who would've thought that
with laptop screens and superficial smiles
there comes temporary tranquility and serenity of the mind?
Twelve & One Ways To Look At Life
Around these fields of sunflower
Sunshine and seed succeed
Like blossom of a life
The far blue of the ocean
Reeks of salt and fish water
A place fishermen in life once stood
The winds blow at the dawn of spring
Bugs dance at the rise of moon
A cove down by the beach
Brown with little reach
Yet stands a life guard tall
As if stone
Kids dance on these lands
While men fight their wars
Their happiness very innocent
While their blood flows like steel
A new and old generation come to pass
Heroes in their work fields
Stand mightier than the sword
Taller than the eye can see
These structures they’ve built
From steel, blood and sweat
Engineers in their own fields
Have papers up to their knees
Figures now in our past
Built life lines till the end
Of roots we’ve inherited
With blood of the diligent
For posterity undiminished
Saviors of our lands
Protectors of the realm
Forwards to battle
At the forefront of war
With blood now diminished
The birds and kids sing
Of happiness and sorrow
Asking us to live our lives in life
Hiding in the shadows
Scheming melodies
That are quiet shallow
Taking gold that is hollow
Whole lives dedicated to practice
Garnering energy and power
Going around the world as fellows
To compete for metals a hallow
Fame churned in the mix
For nationalist fervorism
The time is ending
Life is ascending
The moon shows up
The story is now ending
However keep in mind
There is strictly one thing
Life is just your beginning
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Hard Revive
It’s hard to open up
It’s hard to stay alive
I’ve opened my heart
Only for it to stop
I need a revive
A reason to survive
I’ve tried too hard
I’m too broken; give up
I’ve done what I can
Everything I could do
Yet I’m too blind to see
Too deaf to hear the beat
My heart is now gone
My brain is now dark
My eyes are both wet
My scars burn my arms
I’m trying to look alive
I’m trying to make it up
Alas... I failed to survive
It’s hard to stay alive
I’ve opened my heart
Only for it to stop
I need a revive
A reason to survive
I’ve tried too hard
I’m too broken; give up
I’ve done what I can
Everything I could do
Yet I’m too blind to see
Too deaf to hear the beat
My heart is now gone
My brain is now dark
My eyes are both wet
My scars burn my arms
I’m trying to look alive
I’m trying to make it up
Alas... I failed to survive
What is the meaning of love?
Only to feel pain and hate
What is the meaning of life?
Only to feel dead inside
What is a beating heart;
If it only beats at dawn?
What is real happiness;
If you always play at pretend?
Who is really a friend;
If all you felt is fear?
What is the meaning of nice;
If all you have felt are lies?
Why are there so many questions;
That never give us our own answer?
Oh , for I’m lost into the masses
Of harmony, contempt and sorrow
Only to feel pain and hate
What is the meaning of life?
Only to feel dead inside
What is a beating heart;
If it only beats at dawn?
What is real happiness;
If you always play at pretend?
Who is really a friend;
If all you felt is fear?
What is the meaning of nice;
If all you have felt are lies?
Why are there so many questions;
That never give us our own answer?
Oh , for I’m lost into the masses
Of harmony, contempt and sorrow
If Only
If only you knew the truth
If only you felt my pain
If only you didn’t hurt me
If only you didn’t break me
Yet my lies decisive you
Yet my pain’s beneath you
Yet you make me bleed
Yet you make my bones crack
If only you knew my sadness
If only you knew my loneliness
If only you knew my secrets
If only you knew my doubts
I’m tired from all the games
I’m tired from all the pain
I’m tired from all the tears
I’m tired yet I’ll take my life
If only you felt my pain
If only you didn’t hurt me
If only you didn’t break me
Yet my lies decisive you
Yet my pain’s beneath you
Yet you make me bleed
Yet you make my bones crack
If only you knew my sadness
If only you knew my loneliness
If only you knew my secrets
If only you knew my doubts
I’m tired from all the games
I’m tired from all the pain
I’m tired from all the tears
I’m tired yet I’ll take my life
Saturday, November 3, 2018
No Title#02
The feels of ice in... - here
The heart, that begs for defeat
The mind, lost in time
The eyes, nice shells
The cuts above the wrists
Can they not read?!
Those eyes - dead beads
The laughs - not sincere
The smiles... a play at act
He hides so much you see...
His cries fall on deaf ears
His jokes ask for help; read
His heartbeat weakens now
His life force.
Dead Cold In'n Out
It's cold on the inside
It's dead on the outside
My left and right
Air to air, all around
Why is this feeling here?
Leave me alone, capiche?
Loneliness, I don't need
Sadness, I don't seek
I feel sick, you see...
I'm tired from the feels
My heart is numb
My mind in mist
Why am I so scared?
Why am I so dead?
I've had some friends
I've felt some love
Tell ye what... I'm done!
Its too much to bear!
Its too much to take!
Take the gun! Shoot me dead!
It's dead on the outside
My left and right
Air to air, all around
Why is this feeling here?
Leave me alone, capiche?
Loneliness, I don't need
Sadness, I don't seek
I feel sick, you see...
I'm tired from the feels
My heart is numb
My mind in mist
Why am I so scared?
Why am I so dead?
I've had some friends
I've felt some love
Tell ye what... I'm done!
Its too much to bear!
Its too much to take!
Take the gun! Shoot me dead!
Friday, November 2, 2018
The Generation of the Mechanicalization
The over reliance of technology
A realization strikes
It’s virtual insanity
What even is real life?
Our minds control our thoughts
Or are our thoughts controlled by our lives?
Though our lives are no longer real
It’s virtual insanity indeed
The invasion of pure communication
What we say will only rely on the telecommunications
A brief inquiry
Perspectives assembled
And the lack of validation
I guess it’s time we start representing ourselves
as the generation of the mechanicalization
Thursday, November 1, 2018
No Title #01
Daily battles of mine
Daily struggles of theirs
Many acry in pain
Many numb’n maimed
Constant rain; Heartache
Crowds a nuisance have become
Heart beating – no more
Eyes shining yet dull
Smiles, a mask – hidden
Friends? Heh, what a joke!
Look around – free fool!
The lonely grave; yours to take
Change in Space
This difference in space
With many [a]different face
A new level of [a]maze
A new splendor in haste
Back away to the old days
Voyage to land far away
At the least - good food
Climate too good - too true
Noise - louder - no choice
Privacy... an option - no more
Think... Back to the old days!
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