Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Thirteen Ways of Interpreting a Dream

Among all the innumerable nights
Counting sheep or breathing,
I eventually dreamed or didn't.

You had another idea
Like an insomniac
Who paces around the house as if in a dream.

The dream was a nightmare.
It made me feel more alive.

A sleepless night and a turn
Are several.
A sleepless night and a turn and a dream
Are several.

I know I prefer
A victorious leap through the fiery ring
Or the magic of a circus,
The dream lingering
While I shower.

My wife turned in the sheets
Pulling them away from me.
The dream was interrupted,
Returned to, lost.
I didn't know
If I would be able
To return to sleep.

O wandering women of Lethe,
Why do you imagine fairy tales?
Here, in the darkness, the dream
Keeps to itself,
Haunts the men on the shores.

I know demonic whispers
And iron tortures of the heart,
But I am lost, too,
When the dream consumes
What I know.

When the dream came upon me
I was unprepared
Outside a square.

When dreams storm
In a somnambulant cloud,
Heavenly heavings of metaphor
regale the uninitiated.

She roamed from Purgatory
In a purge.
Often, abstraction engorged her
In that she mistook
What really happened
As dreams.

Lights dim within the compound.
Dreams are hammering in.

It was all times of the day
And seasons
And it was a murderous one.
The dream escaped
Through the veil.

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