Tuesday, January 22, 2013

by Asmaa Al-Qaysi, Bob Marcacci & Saeeda Mu'azu

afternoon writing
words fly slowly off
the page to heaven

a view of the beach
white birds flying

Far away destinations
But will return home

to greet your crying mother
lost in the garden

of the queen of hearts
where the soul is lost


The world is green
Or so I was thought
But I don't see that

Painting is a waste of time
It is creation

my son tells me he loves me
I say the same thing

I am in love with you
with white glossy eyes

Why did you choose this color?
I can't imagine

Waking up at dawn
to the sound of the adhan*
slowly out of bed

coffee a faraway place
someone leads me home

down the path of hatred
where all is dark

I sit alone without you
Staring at the wall.

in the middle of a wood
who placed those stones there?

* As described in Wikipedia, "the Islamic call to prayer, recited by the muezzin."

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