Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Last Year

We haven't smoked since we returned from our vacation.
In the last year, Angela, Vito and I traveled to Italy
(twice in the summer by air through Rome and Bari airports,
and then by my brother-in-law Pino’s car to Putignano),
Qatar (our current country of residence), Switzerland
(where we met Christina and Danilo last Winter
and both Angela and I started smoking again),
Sri Lanka (where we snorkeled with Anna and Dan),
the United Arab Emirates (once in the Spring
to attend TESOL Arabia in Dubai with some of my ABP colleagues
and a second time to Dubai at the end of October
when my parents were visiting from Reno, Nevada),
the West Coast of the United States (between trips to Italy,
we rented a car and took a road-trip up the coast
from San Francisco, California to Portland, Oregon
where we met Josh), and most recently
Vietnam (where Angela, Vito and I spent
our Christmas and New Year's holidays).

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