Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Eternal Appreciation

You saw my dark side and still accepted me, thank you.
You never gave up on me, thank you.
I always resented you and you never cared about that, thank you.
You cried your heart out trying to help me, thank you.
I thought of you as being oblivious, never did it matter to you, thank you.
It seemed unfair that you helped me, and I gave you nothing in return, but it never clouded your judgement, thank you.
While I was focused on being completely forlorn, you were yearning for me to be with my loved ones, thank you.
You resisted all my hatred towards you, thank you.
With everything that you do for me, it is hard to think of something meaningful and from the heart to give you, still, thank you.
I wanted to make you hate me, but you never did, thank you.
You always loved me, no matter what, thank you.
You transformed every negative thing I said to you, to something positive, thank you.
You cleansed my dark soul, and purified it, thank you.
You became more selfless than you ever were in the past, thank you.
Every time you talked to me about competition, I raged quickly, but I realized that you did it for my own benefit, thank you.
You wanted me to be a harmonic person, not a vindictive person, thank you.
You made me walk  the path of light, instead of the path of shadow, thank you.

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