Tuesday, November 14, 2017

I give thee thanks

I asked, thou gave me, and I give thee thanks:

For what opened when I knocked, I give thee thanks
Because I found what I sought, and I give thee thanks  
For bread instead of a stone, I give thee thanks
For fish with flesh on the bone, I give thee thanks
For those who know and those who don't, I give thee thanks
For a long way to work and a short way home, I give thee thanks
Despite the pain, but for the small bottle of mint oil, I give thee thanks
For the bag full of words and the shoulder that carried the turmoil, I give thee thanks
For the one that loves me and the one that hates, I give thee thanks
For the sunrise stroll with a few crazy friends, I give thee thanks
For today still unfinished and tomorrow, if it comes, I give thee thanks
For the few and the new and the next thousand times, I give thee thanks. 

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