Wednesday, February 28, 2018

4:27 am

4:27 am, starring at the ceiling,
tonight is destined to be one of those nights  

The chest bust open, 
like fireworks on Fawkes night 
sending fragments to light up those I had lock away years. 
Tonight there was no hiding.

That first smile, that left me wanting more

The argument that was left unresolved 

The door you broke down and left in splinters 

The soft caress that warmed me from the inside out

The one piercing look, I still question

The breeze in my hair as I turned and engraved the image of you
looking back me 
our whole future ahead of us

Old friends, 
I still cry about, claw their way out of the dark,
plunging a knife and twisting once more.

Tonight was one of those nights, were my memories ran wild

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