Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Downloading Mind.exe


Downloading Mind.exe

2.5 petabytes
ROM- Those moments when you wake up,
that remind you how to be human: Breathing, eating, cleaning, crying.
RAM- Those annoying ads,
that you just cannot get out of your head; Go Compare, Confused dot com. Meerkats saying "Simples."
Softwares- The skills,
that you learn in your life; riding a bike, playing guitar, complex arithmetic, coping.
The SSD- your main memory,
that stores your contacts, your lyrics, snapshots of time with friends or time alone.

Some files get deleted by accident when you need them the most;
"what was that damn equation?"
Some files you wish you could delete.

And some files
you know you should delete...

but you keep them

in a secret folder

away from everyone else.

-Dorian. C. Major

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