Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Waiting to Exhale...

Waiting to Exhale...

Lips parted, with the help of a cigarette,                she inhales.   
Unaware, he falls asleep, today was a                       good day.
He dreams, she exhales, everyone is                              happy.

Apart from them. She lies, he cheats, they are not truly happy.
In another world with her not on his mind,
                                a different woman's sent            he inhales.
She knows and so does he.
Will he ever tell her? Will she ever tell him?
                  they hope today will be                               the day.       

Breath in, breath out. Do not be afraid of                      the day.
She wants to be free, so does he.
She wants to do as she please and so does he.
So  why cant they just                                                 be happy.
The door unlocks, he walks in, she stands up
                   together                                                 they inhale.

                                              This day, they inhale, they are happy.

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