Wednesday, March 14, 2018

World's Paradox

        Welcome to the world

A world of one message to read, and it goes dull.
Months of guessing, stressing, messing, no confessing.
One moment to breathe, and things will be no tough.
Months and months of hoping, doping, coping, joking.
Yesterday it was my aunt, father, mother tasting it.
Today all are good only Rix Tillerson being fired.

        Welcome to the world

Flowers dying. Birds happily flying.
Bad parents. Good parents. 
Ones separating. Ones engaging.
Tears shedding. Laughter crazing.
And then what?

One more message and it will turn fully dull.
One more breath and journeys will be bright.
And now it has to be served:

        Welcome to the world

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