Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Does your soul long for mine 
between the crackling flames of time
or does your ego need some stroking
and your body a place to find
do you seek love in strangers' skeletons
folding over with the tides
do you feel the wavelengths of agony between you and I
do you miss the weight of the look in my eyes
or do yours wander beneath the surface 
and skip between the lines
do you welt in the passing moments
waiting to reignite the ties
or do you tell me that you miss me knowing it's a lie
I keep searching for places in you that
only exist in my mind
if there isn't a way for me to reach you
might as well let it die
do you believe the way I bleed 
or is my need for solace a crime
do you keep yourself on the highest shelf
just to watch me as I cry
I cried an ocean for those eyes 
they sunk so deep as if you put them out to dry
vulnerability, is it too hard for you to try
show me the string I can latch on to
it isn't fun loving blind

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